Historical Archives Ljubljana: Gorenjska Unit, Kranj

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Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana: Enota za Gorenjsko, Kranj
Savska cesta 8, SI-4000 Kranj

Phone386 (0) 4 280 5900

The Gorenjska unit of the Historical Archives Ljubljana was established in 1973. It collects and preserves the documents of numerous legal units and individuals from Jesenice, Kranj, Radovljica, and Tržič.


Systematic research has been conducted into archives from the central and north western Carniola (Gorenjska) region, along with evaluation and collection of preserved archives from the period up to 1945, numerous documents of the dissolved municipal board units up to 1955 or 1965, and archives of schools, monetary institutes, associations, courts, and public or private enterprises.


The archives hold more then 541 records, amounting to some 4000 linear metres of material. The oldest documents date from 1590. A reference library, a microfilm laboratory, and copying machines are at the public's disposal.


The Kranj unit also organises exhibitions. In 2009 the exhibition Streets, roads and markets of Kranj in the past was displayed in the Prešeren House gallery in Kranj.

See also

External links

Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana: Enota za Gorenjsko, Kranj +
Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana: Enota za Gorenjsko, Kranj +
SI-4000 Kranj +
Savska cesta 8 +
The Gorenjska unit of the Historical Archives Ljubljana was established in 1973. +
The Gorenjska unit of the Historical Archives Ljubljana was established in 1973. +
+386 / 4 280 5900 +
Kranj +
SI-4000 +